Admission to Junior Infants
Most new pupils join Scoil Mhuire in Junior Infants, when they are about 5 years old. If you would like your child to be admitted to Junior Infants, the first thing you need to do is to submit an Application for Admission by using the Apply for a School Place button on our website Home Page.
Each year Scoil Mhuire publishes its Annual Admission Notice on its website. This notice states the date by which Applications for Admission for Junior Infants for the following September must be received by the school. It also confirms the date by which you must be notified of the offer of a school place for your child and the deadline for accepting that offer.
Admission to Rainbow
If you would like your child to be admitted to Rainbow, our Early Intervention Class and Primary Classes for children on the autism spectrum, please call to Scoil Mhuire for an Application for Admission.
Again, Scoil Mhuire will publish its Annual Admission Notice on its website. The dates by which Applications for Admission to Rainbow for the following September must be received will be the same as per Junior Infants, as will the date for the notification of the offer of a school place and the deadline for accepting that offer.

Admission to Classes other than Junior Infants & Admission during the School Year
Lots of new families join Scoil Mhuire when they move to Wexford from other parts of Ireland or from overseas. Often, these families move to Wexford for work and their children join classes from Junior Infants to 6th Class.
If you are interested in securing a school place for your child in Scoil Mhuire, please complete an Application for Admission by using the Apply for a School Place button on our website Home Page. In your Application for Admission, you can indicate the class grade you require for your child and whether you require the school place immediately or at a future date when your move to Wexford is confirmed.
Once we receive your online application, our Home School Liaison Coordinator will be in touch with you directly to progress your child’s application.
Admission Policy
Parents and families are asked to note that admissions to Scoil Mhuire are governed by our school’s published Admission Policy which is available in the Admissions Section and the Policies Section of our website.