The Primary School Curriculum is designed as an 8-year course, including a 2-year infant cycle followed by 6 years in standards from 1st to 6th, with children progressing to the next grade at the end of each school year. The curriculum is flexible and child-centred and can be adapted to meet children’s needs.

In Scoil Mhuire, our pupils receive substantial supports to help them in their learning. They include:

  • Differentiation of learning activities by class teachers to respond to individual pupils’ learning needs
  • Support from special education teachers and special needs assistants
  • Literacy Lift-Off, Reading Recovery and Maths Recovery.

These supports help our pupils to make progress in keeping with their needs and abilities and to move through the different class levels in the school along with their class peers.

In line with Department of Education & Skills’ policy:

  • Pupils will only be allowed to repeat a class grade for educational reasons and in exceptional circumstances
  • No pupil shall repeat a class grade more than once in a primary school
  • Pupils who have completed 6th class may not transfer to another primary school to repeat 6th

In exceptional circumstances, the Principal, following consultation with the class teacher, special education teacher and parents/guardians, may conclude that a pupil would benefit educationally by repeating a class grade level. A record outlining the educational basis for the decision to retain a pupil will be kept along with the programme of intervention to be implemented for the pupil.

This policy was considered and ratified by the Board of Management on 2 February 2016 and will be reviewed at appropriate intervals.


Monsignor Denis Lennon

Chairperson of Board of Management

2 February 2016


Dr Mags Jordan

Principal/Secretary to Board of Management

2 February 2016