At present, Scoil Mhuire is working very hard to raise €400,000 for an All Weather Pitch & Playground for our 600 pupils. While we have a large grass area at the back of our school, our pupils can’t use it nearly as much as we’d like over the Winter months due to heavy rain and water logging.
We strongly believe that opportunities for outdoor play and participation in team sports are very important for our pupils’ general health and wellbeing. So, we’re on the big fundraising drive!
We officially launched our fundraising campaign on 21 October 2022 and we have raised €140,000 so far.
We’ve had lots of fun fundraising events to date, including:
- Our weekly Smartlotto 50:50 Draw
- Our 40 Years of Scoil Mhuire Facebook Page
- Halloween Ghouls & Goblins Sponsored Walk
- Jersey Day
- Music Through the Years Concert, with lots of Special Guests
- The Runamuck Staff Challenge.
As a school, we’ll be celebrating our 40th birthday in 2023/24. Our pupils and families are hoping for our All Weather Pitch and Playground for our big birthday!
Your support makes all the difference.