Through engaging in opportunities to work with professional artists over an extended period, our pupils are helped to work together productively as a team, and to think critically and creatively.
Scoil Mhuire has a long established tradition of teacher-artist partnerships working collaboratively in the classroom. As a consequence, we have been successful in securing BLAST opportunities for different class grades to work with a number of professional artists since the inception of the scheme. Ultimately, this is an arts-in-education learning opportunity for our pupils that they both really enjoy and benefit hugely from. It brings their innate artistic talents to the fore and develops their artistic skills and creativity in a collaborative and professionally supported learning environment.
In 2021/22, Scoil Mhuire began its involvement in the Department of Education funded Arts-in-Education BLAST Residency Programme, with the support of Co Wexford Education Centre.
Through this programme, our pupils are given the opportunity to work with professional artists on unique projects that are planned cooperatively and developed between the artist, the class teacher and the class of pupils involved.