School starts for all pupils at 8.50am each day. Junior Infants and Senior Infants finish at 1.30pm. All other pupils finish at 2.30pm.
The Ferndale and Ashfield gates open at 8.35am and close at 9.00am each morning. Junior Infant and Senior Infant parents are welcome to walk their child onto the school yard. We have a team of teachers and SNAs on yard every morning to welcome the children and to supervise them before classes start. On wet mornings, the children will go directly to their classrooms where they will be supervised. If your child is late arriving to school, for whatever reason, they should enter the school building via the main reception door.
At the end of the school day, the Junior Infant and Senior Infant teachers will walk their classes to the designated exit doors. Parents/guardians are asked to be on yard at 1.30pm to collect their child, and to let their child’s class teacher know in advance if their child is being collected by another adult, by an afterschool group or by bus.
Parents/guardians of 1st Class and 2nd Class pupils may also come on yard to meet their child at 2.30pm. If a parent/guardian prefers that their child meets them at the school gate, the class teacher should be informed.
If your child is attending the onsite Sunny Days Afterschool, afterschool staff will meet your child at the designated meeting point.