In Scoil Mhuire, we host regular assemblies of our pupils where we get the valuable opportunity to come together as a school community. Our assemblies serve as an important part of our pupils’ learning. Not only are they an opportunity to promote our school values of care, inclusion and always trying our very best, they also serve as occasions where our pupils can showcase their talents and abilities, and be acknowledged for their efforts and successes.
In Scoil Mhuire, we host two types of assemblies. Our Monday assemblies are led by members of the Senior Leadership Team, at which important whole-school messages are conveyed and plans are set out for the upcoming fortnight. These plans include our Frás na Seachtaine, our upcoming Certificate of Merit, and upcoming activities and events. During Scoil Mhuire’s themed weeks, such as Maths Week, Friendship Week, Autism Acceptance Week and others, our Monday assembly is used to introduce aspects of the particular theme to the pupils. The pupils also really enjoy our Monday assembly shout-outs, where we acknowledge and celebrate the achievements of individual pupils outside of school time.
Our Friday assemblies, which occur at the end of each fortnight, are hosted by every single class in the school over the course of the school year. During our Friday performance assemblies, our hosting class shares songs and poetry in English and Gaeilge, class and school news, little dramas and jokes, and all kinds of everything. The Principal, Ms Jordan, presents the Certificate of Merit for that fortnight to the winning pupil in each class, and she also uses the opportunity to share some important school news or to talk about some exciting upcoming events. Friday assemblies are also very special as the parents and family members of the hosting class attend. Friday assemblies are a great way for us to mark the end of a busy fortnight in Scoil Mhuire. They engender great self-confidence in our pupils in their ability to speak and perform publicly, and they are always thoroughly enjoyed by everyone in attendance.