Scoil Mhuire’s School Band was founded in 2010 and it continues to be a very enjoyable and valuable learning experience for our many pupils who have been involved over the years. The School Band currently operates with generous support from Music Generation Wexford.

Our School Band consists of almost eighty pupils from 5th & 6th Classes. Band members attend weekly lessons led by band teachers Louise Malone and Jenna Larsen, both of Music Generation Wexford. Our pupils learn to sight read music and to play a variety of instruments including the flute, clarinet, saxophone, french horn, trombone, baritone, trumpet, keyboard, recorder and percussion instruments.

Members of the School Band are given opportunities to play and perform music at different school community events. In 2022, the School Band performed to a captivated audience of over three hundred parents and family members at our end of year music concert. Our School Band and School Choir also perform annually at Christmas on Wexford Main Street or at Tesco, entertaining the busy Christmas shoppers.

A number of Scoil Mhuire’s past pupils have continued their love of music into post-primary school and have joined Wexford’s renowned HFC Concert Band, a group with which Scoil Mhuire has a long and illustrious association.

In more recent years, Scoil Mhuire has joined forces with Music Generation Wexford’s Song Singing Programme under the expert guidance of professional soprano, Trish Goggins. Trish delivers the Singing Programme to 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th Classes. The focus of this programme is based on the musical concepts of pulse, duration, tempo, pitch, structure and dynamics through interactive, age-appropriate song singing. Vocal techniques are also taught include diaphragmatic breathing, breath control and voice projection. Musical concepts are explored and developed through song singing, musical games and exercises.

Pupils in Scoil Mhuire have regular opportunities to sing and perform at class assemblies, the annual Sing Out Loud! Event in the National Opera House, school concerts, the Christmas Carol Service, liturgical events and our annual 6th Class School Show. In February 2023, our pupils from 2nd to 5th Classes very much enjoyed performing in our Music Through the Years concert, entertaining a 700+ sell-out audience in Clonard Church, a fundraiser for Scoil Mhuire’s much hoped for All Weather Pitch & Playground.



Meet the band 2023


Music Concert 2023


Well done to all the talented musicians who entertained pupils and family members at our recent end of year concert. Sixty three members of the 5th and 6th class band, keyboard groups and recorder group performed in the concert. Band members practised hard all year under the tuition of Louise Malone and Jenna Larsen from Music Generation Wexford. The children played a variety of tunes and songs including Edelweiss, Bobby Shafto, Old Town Road, Yellow Bird and Tyrannosauras Rocks!

We want to thank Louise and Jenna for all their hard work throughout the year. It was a thoroughly enjoyable concert for all. Well done everyone!

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End of Year Celebration 2023

The band enjoyed having a pizza party in the hall today to mark the end of another fantastic year of music. Well done to everyone.