For the past long number of years, Scoil Mhuire has hosted a Summer Programme for our pupils in Rainbow, our children on the autism spectrum. Over the course of the four weeks of July, our Rainbow pupils continue to attend school each day, engaging in a wide range of fun learning activities. The Rainbow Summer Programme is staffed by a team of experienced teachers and special needs assistants (SNAs), many of whom work in Scoil Mhuire all year round. The work pace for pupils is gentler with lots of indoor and outdoor activities.
In 2021, with the support of Department of Education funding, Scoil Mhuire extended its Summer Programme to include pupils from mainstream classes who would enjoy and benefit from attendance at school and participation in our Busykids Camp and Whizzkids Camp. Again, these camps are staffed by experienced teachers and SNAs. Our pupils enjoy a wide variety of fun learning experiences including art & crafts, baking and outdoor games.
All our Summer Programme pupils come together on Fridays and really enjoy our barbecue and refreshments with our Principal, Ms Jordan, Deputy Principal, Mr McDermott, and all the staff team.
If you think that your child may benefit from participation in our Summer Programme, please contact Scoil Mhuire directly. Please note that the hosting of our Summer Programme each year is dependent on the availability of Department of Education funding and on the securing of qualified and experienced staff.